Monday, April 17, 2017

Surreal Shot

1.What is your image about?

My image includes an inflatable object lifting a bench press bar over his head. The picture was taken in the Cal High quad.

2. Was it easy/hard to find your resources? Why/why not?

It was pretty easy finding resources once I decided what my image would be about. I simply took the background photo and added two images that I found on the internet. I combined the floaty object picture with the bench press picture.

3. What photoshop techniques/adjustment layers did you use?

I primarily used my blending skills to make the images look like they were combined. I also added layer masks to ensure that the image flowed. I had to use the erase background tool to remove the original backgrounds of the images that I found on the Internet.

4. What could you improve upon?

If I were to do this assignment again, I think I would choose higher quality images off the Internet in order to avoid pixelation.

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