Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Bracketing Assignment

1. Which setting worked the best? 
The first picture with settings shutter 1/4 and f-stop f8 worked the best. 

2. Which setting did not work at all?

The last picture with settings shutter 1/6 and f-stop f11 did not work at all.

3. Did this exercise help you understand f/stops better? how?

Yes, this exercise helped me learn many things about f-stops. I know each level makes a serious difference in the final picture. Each f-stop gives a different image due to lighting differences. 

​4. If you want to increase the depth of field in a scene and keep the same level of exposure, what are your options?

In order to increase the depth and keep same level of exposure, increase f-stop but leave shutter speed the same.

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