Thursday, October 20, 2016

​Turn an Administrator into a Zombie

Pumpkin Face in Photoshop

Painting with Light Lab

f 9

f 3.5
f 3.5

f 3.5

f 3.5


1. The lower the f stop what happens?
The lower the f stop, the higher the aperture and more light comes in.

2. The higher the f stop what happens?
The higher the f stop, the lower the aperture and less light comes in.

3. The shorter the exposure what happens?
The shorter the exposure, the lens stays open a shorter amount of time, creating a quick image. 

4. The longer the exposure what happens?
The longer the exposure, the lens stays open a longer amount of time, crewing a more detailed image.

5. What worked well?
The best images had an f stop of 9, shutter speed of 15", and an ISO of 200.

Monday, October 10, 2016

The President's Photographer

  1. What type of photography does Pete Souza practice as the President's photographer? Souza practices archive photography.
  2. Who was the first president to have a photographer? Lyndon B. Johnson was the first president to have a photographer.
  3. What did Nixon do to his photographer? Nixon did not allow his photographer to have full access.
  4. The President's photographer's office used to be the what? The photographer's office used to be a barber shop before it was repurposed. 
  5. Where are most of the photographer's photographs displayed? Most of his photos are either in the Smithsonian or the White House.
  6. How long is the photographer's typical day? The photographer's typical day is 13 hours of taking various pictures.
  7. Can Pete delete photos if he does not like them? Why/why not? No, Pete cannot delete photos he doesn't like. They are considered a part of history, so they cannot be deleted by law.
  8. Would you want to be the President's Photographer? Why/why not? Yes, it would be a great opportunity to be the President's Photographer. You get a front seat at historical events being made. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Black and White Texture

Image 1 Original

Image 1 Curves

Image 1 Bright/Contrast

Image 1 Levels

Image 2 Original

Image 2 Curves

Image 2 Bright/Contrast

Image 2 Levels

1. Which tool worked best for your first image?
The curves tool worked the best to enhance my first image. 

2. Which tool worked best for your second image?
The bright/contrast worked the best to enhance my second image. 

3. Which tool did you like working with the most?
I liked working with the curves tool the best. It allowed me to see a large variety of different colors and textures.

4. Did the texture in your image look better after you applied the filter? Why or why not
Yes, by altering the value and contrast numbers, I was able to make the texture in my image look better after I applied the filter. The creation of a perfect contrast between the blacks and the whites in the image gave a crisp look to my images.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Bracketing Assignment

1. Which setting worked the best? 
The first picture with settings shutter 1/4 and f-stop f8 worked the best. 

2. Which setting did not work at all?

The last picture with settings shutter 1/6 and f-stop f11 did not work at all.

3. Did this exercise help you understand f/stops better? how?

Yes, this exercise helped me learn many things about f-stops. I know each level makes a serious difference in the final picture. Each f-stop gives a different image due to lighting differences. 

​4. If you want to increase the depth of field in a scene and keep the same level of exposure, what are your options?

In order to increase the depth and keep same level of exposure, increase f-stop but leave shutter speed the same.