Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Movie: Get the Picture

  1. Which well known photographers did Morris work alongside?
            Morris worked alongside Robert Capa and Henri Cartier Bresson.

      2.   What was his most interesting/well known shot?
            His most famous shot involved soldiers fighting on a beach during D-Day.

      3.   What was challenging about his work?
            In order to cover current events, he always had to be prepared to take pictures.

      4.   What did you find interesting about his work?
           He never hid the truth from those who viewed his photos. Therefore, some of his pictures were quite gruesome.

      5.   What did you find interesting about the works of Robert Capa and Henri Cartier Bresson? 
            Capa was famous for always capturing war events as they happened. Bresson made viewers of his photos feel like they were actually in war.

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