Over the past semester, I have genuinely come to develop a liking and appreciation for photography. I originally signed up for this class because I thought that this would be an easy art class. However, this semester has taught me to enjoy capturing images and developing memories. I show creativity in my images through the use of various angles and content. I try to find different across our campus while taking photos. For example, my 7 elements post included images from all across our campus. I feel that my work serves as a good representation of my personality and mentality. I try to take uplifting pictures that show content in a good light. The Black and White Texture post demonstrate some level of skill and thoughtful photography. I would like to think that if someone scrolled through my blog, they would get an overall understanding of what photos I like to take. I always met deadlines throughout the semester. In terms of participation, I follow along during demonstrations and try my best to stay off my phone and avoid distractions. I also try to get the best shot I can by searching for images that appeal to my audience. I feel that my skills have improved over the course of the semester. I am glad I chose to take this class and feel that I have learned skills that will benefit me outside of this class.